Had a text from Seb yesterday. He had gone to the house and we had bees, yippee! But they're in the chimney, not so yippee. So I've wanted to keep bees for a while now and was wondering how I might get my hands on some and find they make an uninvited visit, such is nature. So now, ironically, we have to get rid of them. I was trying to find out on the internet what the process is in France, and I think the Pompiers (Fire Brigade) come round and sort it. Which is a bit of a shame as I would love to have started my bee husbandry with a swarm arriving right on the doorstep.
He also reported that the dreaded Japanese Knotweed seems to be looking rather sickly. Good! We're making headway with that damned plant. Thank god for agent orange. Hopefully it will be sufficiently weakened for us to continue our onslaught and erase it from the garden and start planting pretty things that don't strangle the life out of other shrubs. I'll put the flamethrower away for now.
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