I was at the Galopin few days before Fox's long awaited arrival, talking about our overgrown garden (Mooh isn't allowed at the back, we fear never to see her again the grass is so high) and the lovely Marina and Philippe casually mentioned they would come and make a start on it sometimes. I thought it was lovely and neighbourly but I have to admit I was a bit doubtful about it actually happening.
Then few days later, as I was driving back from work I saw, sticking out above the wall of the school, a ma
Marina then took me on a tour, showing the rescued Wisteria and rose bush I didn't know were there and we carried on for a little while. I was then invited for dinner. I was very touched, and felt a bit guilty for my initial scepticism. what a lovely thing to do. That night I ate a delicious home cooked dinner, listen to them playing the piano and bass guitar, talking til late, enjoying new friendship.
Then the day following Fox's arrival, as we were having a drink at the Galopin, Marina announced to me that they, the usual crowd I got to hang around with, had had a talked and thought we had enough to do in the house to get ready for the coming winter and therefore should not worry about the garden anymore. They would deal with it. So-and-so had a tractor and an attachment for the back that could take care of the overgrown field at the back, who had the number? And off they were organising the tasks.
Then Stéphane dropped by the next morning with his trailer to help take some of our rubbish to the tip. I went into the caravan to make him a cup of coffee to find him when I retu
looked after in that fashion. There have a been dozen or more such selfless deeds to help us since I arrived, and even more wonderful evenings getting to know the folks of our lovely village.
But all those new friendships are no substitutes for the old ones. I miss my friends terribly and wish they could be here to enjoy a glass of wine and the wonderful night sky with us. Remember, the caravan is now ready for guests.
Although I will never stay in a caravan again, after our annual family holidays at the White Horse Caravan Park at Selsey Bill (charming), we will be over to see you as soon as we can, we miss you too. John x
Oh my god Seb how cute is Mooh, soooo georgous!! The whole thing sounds amazing. Nice people, beautiful house, cute puppy.. what more do you need??
The tour of the house was really interesting i's much bigger than it looks in the photos.
Loads of love Anna K
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